commit 053ec1c1578f13856e0b1d211ba78e6f2127ea10
parent edb0a689611be1b03d7eed581b688bbc010eb9ca
Author: Brendan Howell <>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 16:24:23 +0100
initial commit of new bingo script
A | bingo2.tex | | | 53 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
1 file changed, 53 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bingo2.tex b/bingo2.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+\setmainfont{Libre Franklin Medium}
+\newcommand\bingoboxSm[1]{\node[draw, regular polygon, regular polygon sides=4, text width=0cm, inner sep=0mm, minimum height=6.2cm, line width=0.05cm]{\shapepar{\squareshape} #1\par};}
+\newcommand\bingobox[1]{\node[draw, regular polygon, regular polygon sides=4, text width=0cm, inner sep=0mm, minimum height=6.2cm, font=\large, line width=0.05cm]{\shapepar{\squareshape} #1\par};}
+\matrix (bingo) [matrix, row sep=-\pgflinewidth, column sep=-\pgflinewidth]
+% row 1
+ \bingobox{firmware bugs in general};
+ & \bingobox{latest update broke retro-compatibility};
+ & \bingoboxSm{A multinational corporation's service as the easiest way of copying data between two nearby devices};
+ & \bingobox{I will put a blockchain on it};
+ & \bingobox{NDA datasheets}; \\
+%row 2
+ \bingobox{everything is an app};
+ & \bingobox{streaming same tracks 10 times a day};
+ & \bingobox{notifications};
+ & \bingobox{Your 2-year-old phone is not supported};
+ & \bingobox{LCD e-reading}; \\
+ \bingobox{cookies, GDPR, etc, what am I doing here already?};
+ & \bingobox{frictionless one time passwords};
+ & \node[fill=lightgray, align=center, draw, regular polygon, regular polygon sides=4, text width=0cm, inner sep=0mm, minimum height=6.2cm, font=\Large, line width=0.05cm]{\shapepar{\squareshape}FREE \\ PLAY\par};
+ & \bingoboxSm{Inability to move authenticator app to a new phone without talking to IT department.};
+ & \bingobox{eveything IoT}; \\
+ \bingobox{please verify your deviceā in inbox several times a day};
+ & \bingobox{laptop leg burns};
+ & \bingobox{website triggers laptop fans 500\%};
+ & \bingobox{jitsi or zoom in the same room because the display cable just wont work or is missing};
+ & \bingobox{copying a file between two machines}; \\
+ \bingobox{enthusiastic Miro pushers};
+ & \bingobox{glued batteries};
+ & \bingobox{graphic / prompt designer};
+ & \bingoboxSm{setting time automatically on computer depends on enabling all location services};
+ & \bingobox{quietly minting monero behind your back}; \\
+\node [above] at (bingo.north) [font=\huge,minimum height=1cm] {TECH B.S. BINGO};
+\ No newline at end of file