
lean forum software (pmc local branch)
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register.html (2222B)

      1 {{ template "head" . }}
      2 <main>
      3     <h1> {{ "Register" | translate | capitalize }}</h1>
      4     {{ .Data.Rules }} <!-- registrationregistration  rules will be inserted here from the rules document being read from the config -->
      5     <p>{{ "RegisterVerificationCode" | translate }} <b>{{ .Data.VerificationCode }}</b></p>
      6     <details>
      7         <summary> {{ "RegisterVerificationInstructionsTitle" | translate }}</summary>
      8         <!-- add your communities verification instructions by editing the verification-instructions document, see the config for where to find it!-->
      9         {{ .Data.VerificationInstructions }}
     10     </details>
     12     <form method="post">
     13         <label for="username">{{ "Username" | translate | capitalize }}:</label>
     14         <input type="text" required id="username" name="username">
     15         <label for="password">{{ "Password" | translate | capitalize }}:</label>
     16         <input type="password" minlength="9" required id="password" name="password" aria-describedby="password-help" style="margin-bottom:0;">
     17         <div style="margin-bottom:1rem;"><small id="password-help">{{ "PasswordMin" | translate }}.</small></div>
     18         <label for="verificationlink">{{ "RegisterVerificationLink" | translate }}: </label>
     19         <input type="text" required id="verification link" name="verificationlink">
     20         <input type="hidden" name="verificationcode" value="{{.Data.VerificationCode}}">
     21         {{ if ne .Data.ConductLink "" }}
     22         <div>
     23             <div>
     24                 <input type="checkbox" required id="coc">
     25                 <label for="coc" style="display: inline-block;">{{ "RegisterConductCodeBoxOne" | translateWithData | tohtml }}</label>
     26             </div>
     27             <div>
     28                 <input type="checkbox" required id="coc2" >
     29                 <label style="display: inline;" for="coc2">{{ "RegisterConductCodeBoxTwo" | translateWithData | tohtml }}</label>
     30             </div>
     31         </div>
     32         {{ end }}
     33         <div>
     34         <input type="submit" value='{{ "Register" | translate | capitalize }}'>
     35         </div>
     36     </form>
     38     {{ if .Data.ErrorMessage }}
     39     <div>
     40         <p><b> {{ .Data.ErrorMessage }} </b></p>
     41     </div>
     42     {{ end }}
     44 </main>
     45 {{ template "footer" . }}