
lean forum software (pmc local branch)
git clone http://git.permacomputing.net/repos/cerca.git # read-only access
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main.go (3079B)

      1 package main
      3 import (
      4 	"cerca/constants"
      5 	"cerca/crypto"
      6 	"cerca/database"
      7 	"cerca/util"
      8 	"flag"
      9 	"fmt"
     10 	"os"
     11 )
     13 type UserInfo struct {
     14 	ID                 int
     15 	Username, Password string
     16 }
     18 func createUser(username, password string, db *database.DB) UserInfo {
     19 	ed := util.Describe("admin reset")
     20 	// make sure username is not registered already
     21 	var err error
     22 	if exists, err := db.CheckUsernameExists(username); err != nil {
     23 		complain("Database had a problem when checking username")
     24 	} else if exists {
     25 		complain("Username %s appears to already exist, please pick another name", username)
     26 	}
     27 	var hash string
     28 	if hash, err = crypto.HashPassword(password); err != nil {
     29 		complain("Database had a problem when hashing password")
     30 	}
     31 	var userID int
     32 	if userID, err = db.CreateUser(username, hash); err != nil {
     33 		complain("Error in db when creating user")
     34 	}
     35 	// log where the registration is coming from, in the case of indirect invites && for curiosity
     36 	err = db.AddRegistration(userID, "https://example.com/admin-add-user")
     37 	if err = ed.Eout(err, "add registration"); err != nil {
     38 		complain("Database had a problem saving user registration location")
     39 	}
     40 	return UserInfo{ID: userID, Username: username, Password: password}
     41 }
     43 func inform(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
     44 	if len(args) > 0 {
     45 		fmt.Printf("%s\n", fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...))
     46 	} else {
     47 		fmt.Printf("%s\n", msg)
     48 	}
     49 }
     51 func complain(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
     52 	if len(args) > 0 {
     53 		inform(msg, args)
     54 	} else {
     55 		inform(msg)
     56 	}
     57 	os.Exit(0)
     58 }
     60 func main() {
     61 	var username string
     62 	var forumDomain string
     63 	var dbPath string
     64 	flag.StringVar(&forumDomain, "url", "https://forum.merveilles.town", "root url to forum, referenced in output")
     65 	flag.StringVar(&username, "username", "", "username whose credentials should be reset")
     66 	flag.StringVar(&dbPath, "database", "./data/forum.db", "full path to the forum database; e.g. ./data/forum.db")
     67 	flag.Parse()
     69 	usage := `usage
     70 	admin-add-user --url https://forum.merveilles.town --database ./data/forum.db --username <username to create account for> 
     71 	admin-add-user --help for more information
     72   `
     74 	if username == "" {
     75 		complain(usage)
     76 	}
     78 	// check if database exists! we dont wanna create a new db in this case ':)
     79 	if !database.CheckExists(dbPath) {
     80 		complain("couldn't find database at %s", dbPath)
     81 	}
     83 	db := database.InitDB(dbPath)
     85 	newPassword := crypto.GeneratePassword()
     86 	userInfo := createUser(username, newPassword, &db)
     88 	// log cmd actions just as admin web-actions are logged
     89 	systemUserid := db.GetSystemUserid()
     90 	err := db.AddModerationLog(systemUserid, userInfo.ID, constants.MODLOG_ADMIN_ADD_USER)
     91 	if err != nil {
     92 		complain("adding mod log for adding new user failed (%w)", err)
     93 	}
     95 	loginRoute := fmt.Sprintf("%s/login", forumDomain)
     96 	resetRoute := fmt.Sprintf("%s/reset", forumDomain)
     98 	inform("[user]\n%s", username)
     99 	inform("[password]\n%s", newPassword)
    100 	inform("Please login at %s\n", loginRoute)
    101 	inform("After logging in, visit %s to reset your password", resetRoute)
    102 	inform("Admin action has been logged to /moderations")
    103 }