
crappy everyday tech bingo
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bingo.tex (2441B)

      1 \documentclass[tikz]{standalone}
      2 \usepackage{fontspec}
      3 \usepackage{shapepar}
      4 \setmainfont{Libre Franklin Medium}
      5 \usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric}
      6 \usetikzlibrary{matrix}
      8 \newcommand\bingoboxSm[1]{\node[draw, regular polygon, regular polygon sides=4, text width=0cm, inner sep=0mm,  minimum height=6.2cm, line width=0.05cm]{\shapepar{\squareshape} #1\par};}
      9 \newcommand\bingobox[1]{\node[draw, regular polygon, regular polygon sides=4, text width=0cm, inner sep=0mm,  minimum height=6.2cm, font=\large, line width=0.05cm]{\shapepar{\squareshape} #1\par};}
     11 \begin{document}
     12 \begin{tikzpicture}
     15 \matrix (bingo) [matrix, row sep=-\pgflinewidth, column sep=-\pgflinewidth]
     16 {
     17 % row 1
     18   \bingobox{I will put a blockchain on it}; 
     19   & \bingoboxSm{the CEO is suddenly really into crypto, and so should you}; 
     20   & \bingobox{dockerfile}; 
     21   & \bingoboxSm{download 18GB of programming device tools to flash a 124K firmware}; 
     22   & \bingobox{minimalist electron applications};  \\
     24 %row 2
     25   \bingobox{can't install app because OS is too old}; 
     26   & \bingobox{8 instant messaging app installed}; 
     27   & \bingobox{Your 2-year-old phone is not supported}; 
     28   & \bingobox{virtual keyboards}; 
     29   & \bingobox{LCD e-reading};  \\
     31 % row 3
     32   \bingobox{Your name is invalid}; 
     33   & \bingoboxSm{the CEO is suddenly really into crypto, and so should you}; 
     34   & \node[fill=lightgray, align=center, draw, regular polygon, regular polygon sides=4, text width=0cm, inner sep=0mm,  minimum height=6.2cm, font=\Large, line width=0.05cm]{\shapepar{\squareshape}FREE \\ PLAY\par};
     35   & \bingobox{"Trusted" computing}; 
     36   & \bingobox{please select all images containing a horse};  \\
     38 %row 4
     39   \bingobox{"legitimate" interest}; 
     40   & \bingobox{customer support on Discord or Twitter}; 
     41   & \bingobox{everything is an online video call}; 
     42   & \bingobox{copying a file between two machines}; 
     43   & \bingobox{cheaper to buy new model than repair previous model};  \\
     45 %row 5
     46   \bingoboxSm{jitsi or zoom in the same room because the display cable just won't work or is missing}; 
     47   & \bingoboxSm{4k screen showing information that would easily fit into 800×600 pixels in 1996}; 
     48   & \bingoboxSm{Software update required. Unable to start car, toothbrush, fridge}; 
     49   & \bingobox{Oven requires that you accept TOS}; 
     50   & \bingobox{graphic / prompt designer};  \\
     51 };
     53 \node [above] at (bingo.north) [font=\huge,minimum height=1cm] {TECH B.S. BINGO};
     54 \end{tikzpicture}
     55 \end{document}